Send Messages To Any License Plate In The World! enables millions of users to send personalized text messages, images, even voice messages to license plates, connecting people worldwide like never before.

Claim Your Plate Instantly & Start Messaging Other Plates Across The USA

Try It Now!

Please Enter The Plate Number

*You must claim your own plate before you can send text or voice messages to any plate or see if anyone has sent messages to your plate.

Say Thanks! On The Go

Plate2Plate isn’t just about communication; it’s also about spreading positivity. Use our service to express gratitude and appreciation to fellow drivers on the road. Whether it’s a simple “thank you” or a heartfelt message of appreciation, Plate2Plate lets you brighten someone’s day with a message of thanks wherever you go.

Connect And
Meet New People

Plate2Plate isn’t just a messaging service; it’s a platform for connection. Use our innovative service to spark conversations and make new acquaintances on the road.
Whether it’s striking up a friendly chat at a stoplight or arranging a meet-up with like-minded drivers, Plate2Plate helps you expand your social circle and forge new connections wherever you travel.

Enhance Road Safety
With Warning Messages

Picture driving for miles with an unnoticed defect on your car. Surrounding drivers honk and gesture, leaving you puzzled and wondering 🤔. Or, consider the moment you realize you left your window open during a downpour. Essentially, wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a way for others to alert you to such issues?

Ask Questions

Ever drove to a charging station , only to find out that the spot is taken? How nice would it be if you could ask the car owner when the spot will be available again?